How to avail rich resume writing services in India within 1 day?

Resume writing is an art. If written in a good way it attracts a good job. I can write your professional looking resume which will stand out from general resumes and CV.

To avail of the professional resume writing services, you can get connected to me from here.

To make it more attractive, nowadays in this world of technology you can display your CV to the world via your own resume website.


Who requires a resume website?

All professionals can have their own resume website to showcase their skills and profession digitally.

Generally, recruiters, clients and customers lookout for a website of yours to understand whether you are fit for the open position or the work, the customer is willing to give to you.

Professionals given below requires a resume website :

  1. Engineers
  2. Painter
  3. Artist( Actor, painter etc)
  4. Freelancer
  5. Service provider
  6. Teacher etc

Above are a few examples of professionals who require one resume website. It would have been easier if a resume builder website is available.

Why do you require a resume website?

Frankly speaking in this time of job hunting, if anyone is looking for a particular job, let say, HR executive.

On average 1500+ candidates apply for it. 10 resumes get selected and only 1 get the job.

That’s really great competition out there. What do you think, why the 10 resumes might have selected?

They must be different from others. You can see that they are called for an interview by just seeing the resume.

What is that edge of difference from your resume?

In this competitive world, we have to stand out from the crowd. And this resume website will definitely be a game-changer for you.

As it will stand you out of the crowd. And make you a winner and also may land you up in a great job.

Let us discuss your resume website building, you can email me at

Advantages of having a resume writing website

  1. It gives an immense room to self express yourself.
  2. You can showcase your projects and testimonials in a better way.
  3. You can also write your blogs on your expertise, which definitely showcase your in-depth knowledge about any particular subject.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”glass” background=”#ef602d” color=”#ffffff” size=”6″ radius=”round”]Create My Resume Now[/su_button]

What are the contents of a resume writing website?

Generally, you can have a few pages on your website. It should be crispy and to the point pages.

  • It should start with a home (Home page)

On the home page, you can mention yourself, your opening statement should be mentioned in a clean and tidy manner.

  • Starting from your skills or expertise you have (About page)

On this page, you can tell your recruiter about your educational details, personal attributes, career overview.

  • Mentioning your clients with whom you have worked (Testimonial Page)

On this page, you can mention your client details and projects worked. Getting some testimonials from your clients will help.

  • Telling about the projects that you have completed ( Portfolio Page )

On this page, tell about your projects relevant to your software or skills.

  • Finally, the contact page for hiring or getting connected with you (Contact Page)

On this page mention your email id and phone number, so that your recruiter can contact you. One contact form can also be placed on this page so that you can receive any form entry via your resume website.

If you like to learn how to create your resume writing website, I can show you how to create your own resume website from scratch. You don’t need to have superb coding skill to do this. I will let you know all this in just 2 days. You can avail yourself of the following 2 days, online zoom class, here.

2 days No Coding Mastery class in resume website building

What are the types of resume writing website?

A resume website can be of many types like

  • Rich looking for a fashion designer.
  • Gentle looking for Engineers and software developer.
  • Bold looking for marketer and similar jobs holder.

In my course, you will learn which colour and font combination needs to be used and how to make the resume website different from others.

Here’s all you need to know about resume websites:

  • Resume websites are a great way to show off your career portfolio.
  • Personal resume websites work best for creative professions.
  • A well-designed web resume is hard evidence of your web skills.
  • You can make your own resume website from scratch, join my 2 days crash course for resume writing website building.
  • If you like me to design your website I can also do it for you.
  • In that case, you can download your resume as a PDF or MS Word file.
  • Resume writing websites offer comprehensive advice on how to write a resume.

Do you have any questions about making an interactive resume writing website? Do you have your own resume website and want to share some advice? I’d love to hear from you. Please comment below.

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